Issue Position: Winning as a Principled Conservative and Why Corey is our Best Choice for November

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2013

We hear all the time how we have to water down our principles for republicans to win, how untrue this is but under the current leadership of the national party, we hear this all the time. Most conservatives are sick and tired of hearing this message because they truly know that republicans don't lose because they are conservative but we lose because we don't stand up for our principles and educate others. Corey Stewart is a winner, he has never lost a race in Prince William County, Virginia's second largest locality, located in Northern Virginia; and he didn't back down or water down his message to be successful like so many other Northern Virginia candidates in the past, in fact, because he has governed as a principled conservative he has been under attack from the liberal media and democrats more than any other local official in all of Virginia. In 2011, after the implementation of his crackdown on Criminal Illegal Immigration, the toughest crackdown in the entire Nation, he was the number one target by the Democrat Party of Virginia and the liberal media. That didn't stop Corey, in fact, he won his re-election by 30 points and won 72 out of 77 precincts in Prince William County, Virginia's first Majority-Minority locality.

How Corey won is why he was invited to speak at CPAC this year as he led a discussion on minority outreach to the Republican Party. Corey's strategy for winning over minorities is pretty simple, reach out to them on our shared values, which we have many, especially life, marriage and economic opportunity. Corey demonstrated this in his re-election in 2011 by reaching out to minority communities, visiting churches and campaigning in non-republican areas, reaching out to them on his record of accomplishment and our shared principles and values.

So when it comes to victory in November, backing up Ken Cuccinelli, not backing down on principle and successfully governing as a true, principled conservative Lieutenant Governor and breaking tie-breaking votes in the VA Senate and being the true conservative leader in that chamber, Corey Stewart is the man for the job!
